Access Policy

The role of University Records and Archives is to collect, catalogue, preserve and provide access to the University of Westminster Archive (hereafter University Archive) and the Westminster Menswear Archive.

We aim to make the collections held by University Records and Archives available for research, teaching and learning, public engagement, and outreach. Provision of access to the University Archive and the Westminster Menswear Archive is based on principles that ensure that access to our resources and facilities is consistent and fair for all users and in line with professional best practice and relevant legislation.

All researchers are required to read the Regulations for Access (includes signing a form of undertaking that they will comply with the terms of the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018), complete a registration form and produce identification before consulting the holdings of the University Archive and Westminster Menswear Archive.

Most archival material is freely accessible. However, there are certain circumstances under which we may restrict access to individual items of collections. These include: privacy legislation, business sensitivity, preservation, accession agreements and uncatalogued material. Information about whether access to a record is restricted can be found in the ‘Conditions governing access’ field in the catalogue.

Applications to access restricted records should be submitted by completing a Researcher Access Request Form.

Please contact us at for more information.